Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 34

"Truth is always the surest guide and the easiest to square our lives by" -Brigham Young

This week was amazing! Starting off with a great Tuesday where we got a free pizza!!!

We were helping a less active move and she gave us some English crackers that had paper crowns in them, so we had a pizza party at our apartment :)

We did a lot of knocking on doors this week and I ended up taking an amazing picture of a butterfly! Look at it!

I was really proud of that. We had a great day that day.

I also caught a gecko! It was awesome! Geckos are like sticky, colorful lizards.

We have been teaching a lot of people on the street and this week I talked with 2 different people in full conversation in Spanish! I was really proud of myself.

Sister Harris is doing amazing! I am always so impressed by her love and ability to make people feel welcome. She is progressing nicely into becoming a missionary and I am so proud of her. We work really hard and she gets it all done!

Also at a dinner appointment this week I got a bird on my shoulder! His name was Baby and he can talk!

I love being a missionary. I learn so much every week and I just love having the experiences that I do. :)

I am praying for y'all! Stay strong and amazing!


Sister Caton

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Week 33

"If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get
done." -Ludwig Wittgenstein

Wow! We had a wonderful week full of miracles! Sister Harris is the
cutest person ever and we have so much fun. She is such a hard worker
and we both love ice cream, so it's a good combination!

So there are some adorable members in our ward who welcomed Sister
Harris in the best way, they threw her a "greenie dinner" where almost
all the food was green! Green waffles, green kiwis, green eggs, and
green juice and milk! And red strawberries, but who's counting that?


We also had a fun time at zone meeting that day, where we learned a lot and I played the piano for my friend Sister Miller to sing. It was really fun.

 We are so cute.

Then later in the week we were tracting and saw some gorgeous skies :)
I love Florida skies and weather, it is so fun.

 Then later we saw a big bird in our retention pool at our apartment complex

It caught a fish and ate it right when we were standing there! It was awesome.
We also went during our lunch hour one day to feed the fish and turtles in the pond our leftover bread. It was neat to see the huge turtles! There was also a giant Koi fish.
Oh Florida wildlife.
Our biggest miracle this week was that we got to go to the "Why I Believe" devotional. And we invited this lady we've been teaching, and SHE CAME! She's like 75 years old and she drove all the way there! It was in Jax West and it was amazing. Then afterwards she got a blessing from the elders! Also I sang a duet of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" with Sister Miller and it was really fun. I got to see Brother Carroll! So fun.
We really just had a great week. I love Sister Harris.
I hope y'all are having a great week too! Love y'all
Sister Caton